Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Corporate Christmas Gifts

In the general discussion board on Core77, there is a thread about holiday cards and gifts. Due to costs, should a firm bother with physical cards or should they send out digital cards instead? Or should they have an elaborate gift? Gifts such as the one above can be extremely expensive and not within the budget of a smaller company.
At Brownstone Graphics, my aunt's firm in Albany, the Christmas gift is a time for creativity and imagination. And it should all be tied together in one cohesive package - just like any other project from a designer. The motto of her company is "Quietly making a difference" and each year she tries to come up with a new idea that will demonstrate this. One year, when her new website was being launched, she created a "travel gift" designed to help people "travel to" the website. It came complete with directions, a coffee mug, and a compass.
I think that holiday gifts, when done right, can impact the client. But I'm not sure how much. Is it really worth it? What I do know is that once you go big, you can't go home. So consider your options before you venture out on a big gift.

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