Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kindle by It's Cover

The Core77 Core-Toons Post "The Trapper-Kindle" addresses a problem I have never considered. The book cover has always been extremely important to the marketing of the book itself. Even though you are told not to judge a book by its cover, we can't help but be attracted to some designs. But now, with the advent of digital publishing and the kindle, covers lose their attraction. Yes, maybe when you buy the book online it is important. But when you are traveling on a subway in New York and you look at everyone reading on their Kindle (or other device), you have no idea what they are reading. And you don't get new ideas for what book to read next.
Books have always been sold best mouth to mouth through recommendations or by seeing what others are reading. When I interned at Penguin we were given books and told to bring them around on the subway or the train because this is invaluable marketing. Now marketers are going to have to work harder. Maybe these fake covers will help do the trick...

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